Through online user / company can interact with our services and save the time to reach and contact the courier company.
Through online user can check the different price for services provided in that cities where the user wants or not.
By online company/user can communicate with our services and save the time to reach and contact the courier company.
User can send the online request to the admin for his query. Also admin send current status of parcel to customer.
User can send the pickup request to the branch. The packet will be picked by the company from the home.
Processes can be made more consistent. In manual process sometimes some process will be forgotton. So, We help you to made your process more reliable.
The system will be accessible by only the authorized users. As information being the most crucial for the organization, then the safety of information is importation.
The system is such that is stands up to the user expectations like easy and faster retrieval of information.
Avoids errors while entering booking details and eliminates booking duplication. Rather than managing excel sheet or books for inventory management courier365cloud help you to manage your inventory online.
Resources being used by the system will be compatible with the latest technologies available in the market, as proposed system uses highly technologically compatible resources, there will be very lass wear and tear.